
This girl just loves to cuddle in bed with one of her plush toys and a soft comfortable pajama. She’s got many pajamas in her nightwear drawer and all you have to do is decide which one you like best and have her try it on to go to bed.…
This cute girl was invited to a day pool party at her best friend’s house. Help her choose a cute casual outfit for a day of fun at the pool. You can choose a nice dress for her, or maybe a cute t-shirt and some short pants, it’s your choice.Use…
There are so many things going on in the magical forest. What could it be? It looks almost like a fireworks party or like a show of light. But wait, I see the beautiful fairy of the magical forest in there, in the middle of all those beautiful lights! Now…
This beautifull girl loves fashion and especially autumn fashion. She has a colored autumn wardrobe because she sees only the beauty of this could season. Today she’s preparing for a walk in the park with her friends. Help her choose the right outfit and accesories for this walk.Use the mouse…
This teen girl is a very trendy, stylish and fashionable girl. She is also a reporter for a teens fashion magazine and a model for it. She loves the fashion world and she would like to become a stylist one day. Right now she wants to put together a look…
These two little babies are twin brothers and they are very cute and friendly. They love to play all day long together and make new friends. Would you like to be one of their friends? Play this game with the twin baby brothers and dress them up in one of…
Kiwis, Strawberries, Watermelons, Apples, Oranges!!!! Oh my goddd all your favorite fruits have been turned into clothes! Dress up this girl with all these fruity clothes!
Diana is getting ready to go out to the Japanese Festival Matsuri. She is having trouble on deciding what Kimono to wear. Help her decide! Oh, and the boy she likes is going too! Don’t disappoint!
Diana is thinking about what tattoos to get next. Decide on what tattoo to get on her belly, arm, legs and more! After you decide on the tattoo, dress her up in some rocker gears! You can also do her hair and make up!
Its a beautiful day in the city and the sun is setting. You want to sit on the wall and enjoy the city life. You asked the cute boy next door to join you. What should you wear? Choose from a big collection of urban wear. You want to be…
Alice is no longer in Wonderland!! She has fallen asleep and ended up in Dreamland! She can not wake up and is stuck in Dreamland. Help her dress up for her day out, maybe one day she will return to Wonderland??
Life on earth is no more after the comet has hit. The only surviving species in the universe are aliens now. This cute alien girl has picked up a great hobby from the humans on earth, skateboarding! Help her look stylish on her trip around space! Choose from a great…
Hello!!! It is summmmmer time!! Time to break out the beautiful summer colors. This specific fashion line is designed after the exotic tropical birds of South Africa. Choose from creative hats, crazy pants, and even more out of this world dresses!
Taking it back old school, we present to you Ruki from the childhood cartoon Digimon! Ruki Makino is the daughter of the fashion model Rumiko Makino so she has to live up to the title. She has to look good while fighting in battles and capturing new digimon.
Wow so colorful! Winnie is about to the go the disco. What should she wear? Help Winnie choose the perfect outfit!
Prom is tomorrow and you still do not have the perfect dress and accessories! Get together with some friends and decide on which dress is your favorite. Also choose the perfect necklace and purse to match your dress.
Spring is arriving and its time to bring out the skirts and tank tops. But you can still wear sweaters and jeans on those windy days. Help this model put on some clothes for a beautiful spring day.
Britney Spears is getting ready for a world tour of her new album Circus. But she doesn’t know what outfits to wear. Help her pick from circus outfits to army outfits. This will be the hottest tour ever!
Dress up fruit princess with different fruits such as strawberry, kiwi, orange, or blackberry. You can even mix and match! Yummy!
A Hime Gal is a young woman with elegant and sophisticated style. She looks like a princess, everything she wears is feminine, sexy and high class. Therefore, she is not to be confused with Sweet Lolita who tends to pursue childish look!

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